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Farmer and additional benefits in spotlight at carbon industry forum


Media Release: Carbon Market Institute

More than 500 farmers, landholders and Indigenous representatives will gather virtually for day 2 of the Carbon Market Institute’s 5th annual Carbon Farming Industry Forum this Friday.

They will discuss how to maximise employment, environment and Indigenous benefits as well as how to maximise impact for farmers and agricultural exporters.

Speakers include Tony Mahar, CEO National Farmers’ Federation, Gillian Mayne, Director Land Restoration Fund, Jason Strong, Managing Director Meat and Livestock Australia, Elizabeth O’Leary, Head of Agriculture, Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets, and Charlie Prell, Chair of Farmers for Climate Action.

John Connor, CEO of the Carbon Market Institute said:

“By working with landholders, farmers and Indigenous communities we can get a broad range of benefits into regional communities, including environmental and social impacts. Farmers will be able to access international markets and carbon money for their hard work.

“Together, we can boost supply and engagement in a way that ensures the product is fair dinkum for everyone – investors, consumers and the landholders themselves.

“Carbon farmers are involved in trying to stop emissions of heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, as well as drawing them down into vegetation and soils. It’s something we’re going to need a lot more of to get to net zero emissions.

“It’s a win for farmers because it’s a stream of carbon revenue that can build resilience to some of the climate shocks, and it’s a win for those farms and the environment because you build up the health of the ecosystem more generally.”

Nadia Campbell is a cattle farmer who has one of Queensland’s biggest carbon farming projects on her property Goondicum, near Monto.

She is taking part in the forum in Friday afternoon’s session, in conversation with other carbon farmers.

Ahead of the forum she said:

“Since going into carbon we’re seeing an improved environment in which we’re producing better quality beef and have less wear and tear – less erosion – on our property.

“It’s also given us a diverse income stream. In times of drought when you’re running lower numbers of stock it is certainly comforting knowing you’ve got another form of income coming in through carbon. It’s also allowed us to invest and put in improved water infrastructure and fencing on the property.

“I really can’t fault it. It’s dovetailed perfectly into our business, it’s enhancing our ecological health, it’s enabling us to help the environment. It’s improving the quality of land for our cattle as well.

“We provide protein to the world and are paid for that but now we can also be paid for the carbon we sequester. My message for other farmers and especially graziers is to make hay while the sun shines.”

A Farmers for Climate Action report released this week has found farmers can earn $34.4b – $43b by 2040 from carbon-related projects.

Friday’s forum comes at a critical time for the industry as Australia celebrates key carbon market milestones this year: the 1000th registered emission reduction project; 100 million Australian Carbon Credit Units issued by the Clean Energy Regulator; and the tenth anniversary of the Carbon Farming Initiative Act.

The Carbon Market Institute is the independent industry association for business leading the transition to net-zero emissions. It’s over 100 members include primary producers, carbon project developers, Indigenous corporations, legal and advisory services, insurers, banks and emission-intensive industries developing decarbonisation and offset strategies.

Visit the Carbon Market Institute website at https://carbonmarketinstitute.org

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